ePharma Quản lý

by Duong Van Technology



ePharma - Pharmacy Management SoftwareePharma Application Management is the owner of the pharmacy ePharma help capture the business performance of their shop one quick, simple and accurate. Only by installing applications on mobile phones, the store will capture and manage all transactions, the revenue situation, status of goods, inventory, at any time .. and anywhere.Management ePharma provide important indicators about the operating results of stores:► REPORT STATEDOverview report and clear: sales, inventory, transactions, status of goods, imports, sales ... you understand the data and indicators of the performance of sales in the day, the period or any period of time you need statistics.► SUPERVISION OF BRANCHESThe app makes it easy to monitor and supervise the activities of the branch sales, and help you compare business performance assessment of each branch in the system.► WARNING INVENTORIESAlert feature value in warehouse inventory to help you grasp the amount of inventory, proactive circulation of goods and entering new customers.► STATISTICS SELLING PRODUCTSStatistics selling products, sell slowly, giving you accurate data on goods and making plans to enter - discharge accordingly.► ORDER MANAGEMENTHelping you capture accurate, full status of each order transaction, at each branch in real time (updated as soon as the transaction took place). Minimize the loss by mistake or fraud.► DATA ACCURACY, SECURITY ABSOLUTELYWith a database system to achieve international standards and stringent security process, all data of the customers are providing accurate and confidential.► SALES MANAGEMENT anywhereJust a mobile phone connected to the internet, you can manage sales anytime, anywhere without having to sit in the store. Give you peace of mind and flexibility in the daily work plan.